

A lifelong record collector, father of two future Dylan fans, and resident of Brooklyn. Josh first heard Dylan’s John Wesley Harding when his dad played it for him in 1988.

Josh hosts a show on mid-coast Maine’s called Ask The Ages where he plays many things that are not Bob Dylan, radio signal clear as can be…

me at josh's party.jpg


Matt Krefting is a musician, writer, and DJ based in Holyoke, Massachusetts. His music has been released by Ecstatic Peace!, Open Mouth, Kye, Ultra Eczema, and Kendra Steiner Editions, among others.

His is a contributing writer to The Wire and his writing has appeared in Bull Tongue Review, HuffPo, inside the sleeves of various subterranean releases, and elsewhere. His COVID-era mixtape collections can be found at

He never robbed any churches...